
Does your call center provide Full reporting ability to generate every aspect of history performance?

The success of a Call Centre lies in the relentless effort and exceptional performance of the agent, team, the department, and the company as a whole. The primary aim of a call center should be to quantify and evaluate the performance of the employees.
By following the proper methods for evaluating KPI and essential metrics, a company can determine the current trends that help it to formulate data-driven decisions. By implementing adequate changes, a company can increase its efficiency and revenue in the long run.

The question here is, do all Call Centers follow the process?

The answer is NO. Quantifying and implementing crucial changes in performances requires several critical steps, which most Call Centers avoid. It is essential for you as a Service Provider to ensure your trust in such a Call Centre that works tooth and nail to uphold your reputation and deliver phenomenal performances.

Some significant KPIs and Metrics, an efficient call center reports regularly:

Average Answering Speed

A Call Centre must possess the ability to calculate the Average Answering Speed (ASA) of an employee regarding answering the call of a customer. ASA generally includes the average waiting period of a caller.
A higher ASA score could result in reduced customer satisfaction, and it could lead to higher abandon rates, increased customer-handling time and ultimately decrease the efficiency of Call Centre Agents.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

An effective SLA aids in developing the relationship between a customer and the Service Provider. SLA describes the agreement of service between them. Sadly, what seems as a collaborative approach to improve satisfaction level is used to hold as a ransom by either side. A call center must have the reporting ability of the SLA that reflects the expectations and perception of both the customer as well as the Service Provider.
An efficient call center uses Service metrics to evaluate the user experience and Process Metrics to increase the effectiveness and efficiency between the two parties. It also uses the technology metrics to improve possible opportunities of a Service Provider thereby informing the company continues with efficient reports.
While addressing the customer perception regarding SLA, a call center must consider the influencing factors that affect the customer’s opinion about the service.

Average Handle Time (AHT)

AHT focusses on evaluating the average time it takes to handle a call from start to end. It includes factors such as Initiation of call, holding the call, talk time and other related tasks an agent goes through to resolve the request.
Most Call Centers try to cut corners from customers to reduce their average handle time which could lead to a dissatisfied customer. A Call Centre must focus on how to reduce the resolution time along with increasing the satisfaction of the customer. To achieve that a call center must optimize their agent’s training and keep it as an ongoing process. Routing waiting calls, recording the calls and monitoring the agent’s performance are some of the steps, a call center must take to improve its AHT.

Occupancy Rate

Occupancy Rate is the percentage of the time; an agent spends while handling an incoming call against the available time. It can be calculated by dividing the workload hours by staff hours. It is crucial for a Call Centre to track the occupancy rate of each agent. Top Call Centers often monitor the calls to improve their efficiency. Maximizing occupancy rate of the agents and ensuring a stable efficiency during peak hour are the definite signs of an outstanding Call center.

Utilization Rate

Utilization Rate reflects the amount of time an agent works on a call. Call Centers use these metrics to measure and monitor the total percentage of a day; an agent is being utilized. In the long run, these metrics provide comprehensive data about the efficacy and productivity of the agents in an organization.
Even with the upsurge of Social Media, Live messaging and chat-bots, the simple old-school way of making a phone call is still the most preferred method with most customers. As a call center, it is challenging as well as crucial to monitor all KPIs and Metrics, to provide exceptional service. As a Service Provider, it is your right to utilize the service of such a call center that possess the ability to offer a full report and present every aspect of historical performances.

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