
Vital eCommerce Benefits to Philippines Customer Service Outsourcing

Throughout the past 7-10 years, eCommerce selling globalization has become a grand opportunity for e-Commerce businesses – whether startups, small companies or large conglomerates, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), or Fortune 500 companies – to increase competitive drive and global e-Business sales success in international eCommerce markets by widening the scope of their global customer acquisition numbers, creating a steadily increasing base of loyal eCommerce shoppers. Your e-Commerce business has more than likely done its research and is ready to employ a market expansion strategy in order to take advantage of the many cross-border e-Commerce market expansion benefits – as well as Philippines customer service outsourcing benefits – such as:

  • market outreach increase – the opportunity to tap into <95% of the world’s international consumers,
  • strong asset diversification – providing international protection against bottom-line losses that accompany economic crises risks,
  • the taking-advantage-of international talent – effectually incrementing e-Commerce sales success with the most effective talent the world can offer,
  • competitive advantage over the competition – realized by a significantly-increased customer base, the utilization of the most innovative technology available globally, enhancing operation processes, and increased brand recognition that leads to long-term financial security, and
  • additional investment opportunities – the tapping into of interested international investors that may finance your business, building long-term business growth and opening up opportunities for better innovation.
A business owner in a black suit holds the world in his hand, signifying dominance and power – a fitting representation of the amount of success global eCommerce sellers can receive by employing a market expansion strategy that incorporates superb customer service outsourcing.

Customer Service Outsourcing – Why is it Important?

If your eCommerce business is ready to venture out of its comfort zone and employ a strategical market expansion strategy in order to take advantage of the competition, then customer service (CS) – specifically customer service outsourcing – is a vital part. CS outsourcing is integral to cross-border eCommerce market expansion because eCommerce companies that think about how best to reach potential eCommerce consumers across cultures can take advantage of customer experience (CX) maximization amongst individual consumers, therefore:

  • increasing customer acquisition and taking advantage of the 92% of the world’s consumers that rely on recommendations from family and friends,
  • receiving better customer engagement, creating consumer-centric/customer-valued atmospheres that encourage eCommerce customers to share their needs with their favorite brands, improving your business’ products and services,
  • augmenting customer conversions and ensuring the value you give customers increases their brand loyalty,
  • generating reduced marketing and service costs while increasing sales and customer satisfaction margins, and
  • building a foundation of customer loyalty & customer retention that shows current and prospective e-Commerce customers your brand is to be trusted and can always meet their needs above the competition.
Five (5) direct benefits to a customer-experience-centric customer service approach.

Customer Service Outsourcing – Where Should you Outsource?

While outsourcing offers vital benefits – such as: (1) efficient staff, needed infrastructure, and streamlined processes specially curated for providing top-notch CS at a competitive cost, (2) multilingual and omnichannel 24/7/365 customer support to reach consumers where they’re at and not miss opportunities to increment customer satisfaction and therefore sales success, (3) a better allocation of resources to more easily focus on core business functions and therefore improve operations, (4) improved risk management, and (5) highly-developed security and compliance to protect against data breaches – in addition to others – choosing an operations site that allows your business to meet its particular CS and tech support needs is not apples to apples. Outsourcing is only as good as the service quality of the operations site or contact center you use; you wouldn’t go to a bicycle shop to get fuel for your Ford Mustang GT – neither would you go to a fast-food restaurant like Taco Bell to get an exquisite filet mignon. Outsourcing to a high-quality call center’s operations site – and not just to any – is an integral market expansion strategy that ensures your business provides professional service that hits the sweet spot and maximizes on its short-term and long-term growth and eCommerce sales success.

The Philippines – a Superb Location for Top-grade Outsourced Customer Service (Philippines Customer Service Outsourcing)

While there are numerous options – especially when it comes to English CS outsourcing – there is no better location to outsource your CS and technical support to than the Republic of the Philippines; this little archipelagic country in Southeast Asia – home to more than 111.4 million people and 100+ ethnicities – poses a great competitive threat to the world’s established business process outsourcing centers – known as BPOs – evident by the fact that the Philippines customer service outsourcing industry is the country’s economic lifeline, employing more than 2 million people within the industry.

So what makes the Philippines the epicenter for highly-qualitative CS – that is, Philippines customer service outsourcing – specifically English-language service? Let’s take a look below:

  • highly-qualified workforce – the Philippines produces on average 500,000 post-secondary graduates annually; this republic’s English proficiency rating ranks 27th in the world according to the 2020 EF English Proficiency Index (2020 EPI).
  • Cultural familiarity – high exposure to foreign media is present – in particular, Western media; this not only offers Filipinos daily exposure to remote cultures from home – but, it instills personal and public comfort when it comes to communicating with other cultures.
  • High literacy rate – the Philippines shares a high literacy percentage of 98% – one of the highest globally; furthermore, 95.4% of all children can undergo grade-school education, and the Filipino Department of Education has consistently introduced education programs for all citizens – including: night school, subsidized education, and alternate learning systems for out-of–school youths.
  • Superb work attitude – due to close family ties and consistent upbringing generation-to-generation, Filipinos highly-esteem respect towards others and work hard to please those whom they serve with a great work attitude; likewise, due to their belief system (mainly Catholic), Filipinos maintain their composure and treat all with respect and courtesy (even in the face of irate customers) – they are grace under pressure.
  • Wage rates are low – the average Philippine wage rate within the outsourcing industry is US$ 1.50 dollars – far lower than highly-English-literate nations such as the U.S., Canada, and Australia. Within the Philippines, complete outsourcing services can be hired for an average of US$ 6.00 – 12.00 dollars depending on the language level needed and still afford cost savings since this average is below the majority of the minimum wage rates of developed countries; these rates are fully-inclusive – covering benefits, rent, payroll, primary/secondary Internet services, utilities, and contingencies.

Callnovo Contact Center – a Viable Option for Philippines Customer Service Outsourcing

If your eCommerce company would be looking to get into the realm of CS outsourcing, our very own Callnovo Contact Center is a viable option to ensure your business takes advantage of strong international market opportunities and meets the challenges of providing genuine CS that resonates with customers, enhancing customer satisfaction and building strong sales competition in the global market.

Callnovo – an internationally-leading contact center outsourcing expert with 17+ years of experience in 40+ different industries – skillfully provides omnichannel CS in 60+ native languages (i.e. English, German, Japanese, Malaysian, Spanish, Mandarin / Cantonese, French, Indonesian, Korean, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Portuguese – amongst others) to ensure that global eCommerce customers receive top-tier service. We have 14+ key operations centers worldwide – as well as various operations sites right within the heart of the Philippines – to ensure that businesses like your own have what it takes to create strong customer loyalty amongst English and other native language consumers that ensures global sales market competition is achieved at a higher level. Furthermore, with our detailed 6-step hiring/onboarding process that includes rigorous soft-skills training throughout the entirety of each agent’s time onboard – as well as a constant monitoring of KPIs through our highly-customizable Global Omnichannel SaaS Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Platform – your business is guaranteed to provide superb service from your project’s launch’s first day, throughout its entire lifespan, ‘til the day in which your brand succeeds as a top worldwide influencer.

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