
How to successfully manage your WeChat official account in China?

As we have explored, WeChat official account is a very powerful tool for growing your business in China but it is also a complex and very different digital eco-system to be working in. Partnering with a local specialist is key. We at Callnovo, a prominent contact center engaging in the communication between end-customer and company, can monitor and operate clients’ twitter, facebook and other social media account on behalf to achieve the most efficient method to communicate with the public. Callnovo China contact center will instruct you how to setup the WeChat official account and help you monitor and manage daily social media activities.
As a business owner, managing your official account can be time-consuming and very demanding. If users are not getting what they need from the accounts they are following, they will delete them. It is very important therefore to cater for users’ interests and needs on your account, and make sure that you make the most of the opportunities it offers. This is where we come in. With our professional management to your official account, you never have to worry about growing your brand and updating your followers with fresh and interesting content. This will ultimately increase engagement, clicks conversions, and lead generation.
Callnovo is experienced in managing social media accounts and convert social media efforts and investments into more leads and sales. We are specialized in managing top-performing social media campaigns such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, LinkedIn, Wechat, Weibo for small and large business. At Callnovo China, we employ relevant social media marketing strategies to manage your brand’s daily content to the official account, monitor interactions between you and the followers, and handle all your running advertising.
Do you know that, there are people who are out there looking for your business but find it difficult to reach you? Callnovo China will help you connect with them by putting your business at their very presence. Use WeChat official account as the most effective platform to reach your desired Chinese customers and generate instant sales. One of the benefits of using official account is that your ROI (Return On Investment) is certain because your business will only be shown to prospective clients with 80% chance of taking action, such as buying your products, signing up for your promotion activities.
Callnovo has the advanced social advertising tools and strategies designed to grow your online presence, buіld truѕt and еѕtаblіѕh rеlаtіоnѕhірѕ with роtеntіаl customers. This will totally increase your brand or product awareness, lead generation, increase website traffic and influence sales.
Let’s take WeChat official account management services off your shoulders, so you can focus on other important business areas to grow your business; We help you to increase credibility, fans, followers and establish your relevance in the current commercial society.Whether your business is in real estate, e-commerce, technology, nonprofit organization, manufacturing industry, consumer products, whatever the case maybe, Callnovo China official account management service will definitely satisfy your marketing objectives and position your business in China for success.

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