Even though reputable call centers have systems or equipment for supervisors to manage and control the performance simultaneously, there are still areas that need human interaction. There are areas like screening new hires, training, calibration, and even motivating. In every part of a BPO company, there are processes that make them top-rated or well-respected. On a strategic way of a successful team, here are some areas that need extra attention:
Make Sure to Hire and Train the Best
Hiring professional call center agents will make companies look more confident and trustworthy. It’s important for call centers to put their agents through various tests to determine if they are fit for the job. These tests should include real-life scenarios to see how the agents will react. Those who pass the test will get hired and put through extensive training to ensure that they are ready for anything that can be thrown at them. That way, you are more likely to have top quality performance on a regular basis.
Calibrate their performance
When they say calibrate in call centers, it means fine tune the skills acquired by the new agents. In the early stages of answering calls, they have to know which areas need correcting and which areas to maintain. All-in-all, having an organized process will take the agent’s performance a long way.
Motivating Your Call Center Agents
Call center agents can make or break a business. Before a customer makes a decision, the first person that they talk to is a call center agent. You want to ensure that you have the best agent to talk to your customers. However, even with a great number of expert call agents, you still have to find a strategy to motivate your agents to create legendary customer service experience. That’s where the human touch comes along. Just a simple “thank you” or “you are doing great” would go a long way for call center agents. The best way to motivate your call center agent is to constantly assess them and recognizing their great work.
When people know that they are being monitored, and assessed, they are most likely demoralized. It makes them feel like they are like machines. It’s always better to mix in the sense of “I care for you” attitude to level with their emotions. This is where the calls are monitored and recorded for quality assurance. Not only that, surveys with good ratings can be an added boost to their morale. So, it would be wise to commend them with their good works. It all boils down to how a supervisor treats their agents. The better the motivation, the best performance you will get.
Top-rated call centers like Callnovo will hire and train the best agents. Quality BPO’s have various techniques and strategies to ensure that their agents are consistently performing at a high-quality level. So if you want to get the best customer care services then you should follow these areas that need extra attention.