As global economies continue to reap from post-COVID (or close to post-COVID) eCommerce boosts, an omnichannel eCommerce strategy is vital in boosting your e-Commerce seller’s global product/service sales, allowing you to find strong, long-term global market sales gains – as well as augment your eCommerce Seller’s global brand reputation & customer loyalty; check out Callnovo's detailed guide on how to make that to happen and take your global eCommerce sales to the next level.

As 2022 comes to an end - and as global economies continue to gain ground in terms of growth as a result of increasing eConmerce sales - it cannot be stressed enough how important it is for your global eSeller to consider the advantages of eCommerce outsourcing; check out our guide on its advantages - as well as key eCommerce outsourcing best practices - so that your business can augment its long-term brand loyalty and gain an edge in the global competitive sales market(s) - leading to strong financial success and a grand, long-term brand legacy.

Last week, we touched upon the severity of rising cases of data confidentiality breaches; as such, it’s direly-important to ensure your patients’ dental records & data are kept safe. Take a look at our part 2 of our detailed guide to dental office HIPAA compliance, whereby we offer the rest of the list of dental practice HIPAA compliance best practices so you can ensure patient data is securely-protected and your patients can have ease of mind and of heart.

With rising cases of data confidentiality breaches, it’s direly-important to ensure your patients’ dental records & data are kept safe. Take a look at our detailed guide to dental office HIPAA compliance, whereby we offer part 1 of our 10 dental practice HIPAA compliance best practices so you can ensure patient data is securely-protected and that your patients can have ease of mind and of heart.

Markham, Ontario, Canada - one of the fastest-growing cities in the North American country and a.k.a. the High-tech Capital of Canada - held its 32nd Annual Business Excellence Awards ceremony in highlight of rising, reputable, local businesses’ and organizations’ entrepreneurial spirit, ingenuity, and success. We want to congratulate Callnovo Contact Center for becoming a top 3 finalist in the Global Business Excellence category this year. Take a look inside to learn more about this highly-anticipated ceremony and to read about Callnovo's exciting participation in the grand event.

As hospital admissions, physician visits, doctors visits, healthcare insurance claims, etc. rise, it’s direly-important to ensure the confidentiality of patients’ healthcare records and data. If your healthcare business is planning on outsourcing, then you should choose a viable HIPAA compliant call center. Check out our guide to help you make the right decision.

By understanding, training, and having your help desk technicians put into practice key help desk metrics & help desk performance metrics, your global brand can orient itself on its CS / TS team(s)’ efficiency & service performance – as well as improve upon them – to effectively-ensure customer-centric service that leads to long-term customer base growth, customer retention, and brand loyalty. Check out Callnovo's guide to help you successfully-meet consumers’ / end-users' high service expectations, increasing your long-term global sales success.

While restaurant chains/delivery service businesses recover this year following a 3-year long pandemic, restaurant owners/managers are plagued with labor, operational, and logistics challenges that limit the quality of customer experiences (CX); our very own Callnovo already supports the industry with top-tier multilingual, omnichannel customer service outsourcing solutions that help the foodservice industry to handle such pain points and in-turn create quality customer satisfaction that enhances their brand reputation and brand loyalty, ensuring strong competition in the sales market.

As the tech industry paves the way with new technological inventions not yet commonly seen or used - such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality - international consumers are finding more enhanced, enjoyable ways to learn, grow, and enjoy life; with such technological advancement and the opportunity to provide out-of-this-world customer experiences, Callnovo is on the frontlines with next-level tech support outsourcing solutions that meet customers’ advancing customer service/technical support needs, creating a growing customer loyalty and brand image that further enhances tech companies’ competitive drive in the global market.

In 2021, Facebook - now Meta - broke technological advancement with the revelation of the Metaverse; now, global businesses - like eXp Realty - can use such virtual technology to create advanced client experiences - breaking the competition. Find out Callnovo is helping business to use such virtual reality to their brand advantage by enhancing metaverse CX, leading to a fruitful brand legacy.